I worked for you as an CIS subcontractor / Employee during the **.** Tax Year.
I am now completing my self-assessment Tax return with the assistance of NJB TAXBACK.
It would be much appreciated if you could provide me with copies of my CIS statements, P45, P60, payslips, or any form of remittance advice that was issued to me relating to that period.
It would be exceptionally helpful if you could summarise the totals into an annual statement for me.
These are the details you may hold for me:
Full Name: *
Last four digits of my UTR Number: ********
Last four digits of my National insurance number: *******
I also authorise NJB TAXBACK to discuss any queries they may have to assist in submitting my return.
Please Cc info@njb-taxback on any correspondence relating to this request.
You can contact NJB TAXBACK directly at 02038220201 if you need to.
I would be very grateful for any help you can give me.
Many Thanks,
If your contractor/employer does not provide you with your records, despite their legal obligation, to do so.
You may opt to contact the HMRC CIS Helpline, report your contractor for non-compliance and ask HMRC to provide you with a copy of the information.
Registered in England & Wales | Company Number 11373381 | ICO Registration Number A8255161 | HMRC AMLS XRML00000190406